Are You Living w/ Intention ?

Setting our intention for the day organizes the mind! Having an organized mind leaves less room for procrastination, anxiety, and frustration.

Feel overwhelmed often? With setting intent, you will be less likely to feel that way or even feel rushed.. Which is a primary element in stimulating anxiety. Apart of selfceare is making sure the space around us is organized. Personally, I like to set my todo list for the day, beforehand . Rather it be the night before, a week before, and so on. When I wake up for my day, there is no need to prepare, its just ” Go Time”. Everyone is different. Take this time during quarantine to get your mind an enviornment organized. Then make the 1st step forward in leading each day intention!

I hope this passage was enlightening. Not all of my post are going to be long. I personally don’t like to read long inserts all the time myself. So if your like me! I understand. lol Stay Safe & ill see you next time!

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